Post-conference field trip

The Continental Litosphere in Val Sesia: 

A Journey From the Mantle To the Surface

July 3-4 


This two-day excursion is devoted to visit one of the most spectacular and well studied  crust-upper mantle section on Earth, i.e. the Ivrea Verbano Zone along the Sesia Valley. The outcrops consists of peridotites, lower crustal gabbros, migmatites, garnet-bearing granite, caldera breccia, and rift-related sediments. Among the addressed topics will be: Variscan HT metamorphism (amphibolite- to granulite-facies), partial melting, late-Variscan magma emplacement in lower crust, crustal assimilation,  Permian magmatism and super-eruption, sedimentation and hydrothermalism during Tethyan rifting.